Hillary Dillary Dock – The Clock Struck 13

I’m always amazed and in somewhat dismay,
When some high official pads a resume.
A masters from Harvard, a doctorate from Tech,
Why lie of those things, they’re so easy to check.
Doctors with no license, lawyers who fail the bar,
Some just keep on practicing, some really get quite far.

So Hillary wants to look tough, it may come down to the wire,
So she mentions while in Bosnia, she came under sniper fire.
When questioned, she embellished,  “We ran while I ducked my head,”
Poor Chelsea then was questioned and supported what her mother said.
Those of us from the military, knew her cover was blown,
You don’t land the First Lady’s plane into a sniper zone.

Just like with the dress and the DNA,
When the facts were clear, she had something to say.
She was “sleep deprived,” and she just “misspoke,”
If you’ve ever been shot at, you know that’s a joke.

But, I’m not ruling Hillary out, there are problems to be resolved,
The economy is in the tank, and, of misspeaking, she can be absolved.
She knows how to make money, she’s done it I’m told,
She’ll put tax dollars in cattle futures and rake in a hundred fold!