Shart Sharts

I received one of those humorous emails that tells certain idiosyncrasies about certain locations.  This location was St. Louis.  It said, “If someone in a Home Depot store offers you assistance and they don’t work there – you might live in St. Louis.”  “If you have a lengthy phone conversation with someone who dialed the wrong number – you might live in St. Louis.”

Well, I took umbrage with one of them.  It went, “If you take I farty-far to Six Flags – you might live in St. Louis.  I grew up in the St. Louis area (over on the East Side), and will humbly admit that we pronounce our “ORs” as if they were “ARs.”  We eat carn on the cob and sometimes eat carn with a fark!

So, what am I upset about?  We would never pronounce “four” as “far.”  We do just fine with “our,” it’s just “or” that we do a number on.  So, if someone takes I farty-four to Six Flags – they might live in St. Louis.  And, their daughters might be wearing shart sharts.

Now, the real purpose for this comment is to introduce a new category called Short Shorts.  See, I do know how to spell it.  This is my first one.  They will never fill up a page.  At times I would like to comment on current events, but by the time I get around to writing, it’s no longer current.  This should also help all my buddies with Attention Deficit Disorder.

2 thoughts on “Shart Sharts”

  1. ADD, that would be me! Thanks for all the Rice Quips, long or short, and Happy Thanksgiving to you. We are thankful for our service and friendship with you! Ken and Barb

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