Will Tiger Woods Win a Major this Year?

According to CBS, there are only two monumental events left to occur this year.  The Royal Wedding and the Masters.  I’m not too concerned about the wedding, but the Masters signifies to those of us who live where there are four seasons that it is time to get our game together.

The Masters is also the first of the four major tournaments.  Tiger had won 14 majors.  Will he win number 15 this year?  I think not.

It’s all about Karma.  I didn’t know much about Karma until I started watching the TV show “My Name is Earl.”  It was a sitcom with a deep underlying message.  Earl won $100,000 in the lottery and in his excitement got hit by a car and lost the lottery ticket.  While laid up in the hospital, a nurse explained to him that he probably had bad Karma for all the bad things he had done in his lifetime.  He bought into that thesis (and so do I), and made himself a list of all the bad things he had done.  He spent the next four seasons trying to right all his wrongs.  I lost interest in season two, so I don’t know how it all turned out.  I think Earl and the audience were put out of their misery when the show was canceled.

Anyway, I think Tiger has bad Karma.  And when I remembered that Tiger’s father’s name was Earl, it all came together.  Tiger, Karma, Earl.   Earl, Karma, Tiger.  Just like Harry Bosch, I don’t believe in coincidences.

So Tiger needs to make a list.  I have no idea how long the list needs to be, but I don’t think he is going to be able to rectify all the bad Karma this year.  Let’s see, there would be his wife, Elin.  I don’t think that apology went too well (and he paid dearly).  Then there are all the sweet things to whom he whispered that he truly had feelings for them.  At least the porn stars will be easy to find.

I believe it was in 1997 when he was interviewed after winning a tournament that he told the interviewer and the world that he didn’t have his “A” game that week.  Put all the other players in the tournament on the list Tiger.  You basically said, “I can beat all of you with my “B” game.

Put me on the list too.  Tiger told the world that he didn’t  have anyone helping him.  He was the only one responsible for making these affairs happen.  I’m thinking, how stupid does he think we are?  He had to have facilitators to assist him, to cover for him.

When he apologized to the nation, he looked me right in the eye and said Elin hadn’t hit him with a 5 iron.  Well, even though they are now divorced, she is still the mother of his children and he would want to protect her.  Plus, I’m pretty sure it was a 9 iron.

It is unimaginable that Tiger has not returned to his winning ways.  But, we all know that golf is a head game and bad Karma or no, Tiger has a head problem.  It impacts all golfers at one time or another.  I’ll give you an example.  A player is having a great day – best ever.  Then, on the 8th green, he misses a three-foot putt.  All the great golf psychologists will tell you, “forget about it – you have been playing great – put that little putt out of your mind – concentrate on your next shot.”  But all golfers know what happens on the next tee box.  The poor schmuck doesn’t have a chance.  He should be pleased if he keeps the ball in bounds and finds it.

Well, Tiger has done a lot worse than missing a three-foot putt.  He lied and got caught.  He cheated on his wife and got caught.  And now, even worse, he has been caught spitting on a green!  Tiger, put the greens keeper on your list.

Written by PJ Rice on www.ricequips.com

2 thoughts on “Will Tiger Woods Win a Major this Year?”

  1. you do much better with golf than international relations. hope you have a great golfing season this year.


  2. I hope I am wrong on the international relations issue. The bad news is I am probably not. PJ

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