All posts by pajarice

Master’s Degree for JAGs

I walked back to my car after a University of Virginia football game.  No, I was not a student.  Just the week before, I had taken command of The Judge Advocate General’s School in Charlottesville.  Walking with me was Hugh Overholt, The Judge Advocate General and Fran Gilligan, the Deputy Commandant.  There was a pause in the conversation and General Overholt said, “Jack, I think it is time to go after the LL.M. again.”

I couldn’t believe my bad luck.  The JAG School had been trying, off and on, to get a master’s degree for their Graduate Class students for at least 30 years.  The one-year Graduate Course had previously been called the Career Course and, later, the Advanced Class.  The LL.M. effort had been dormant for some years and I had just cut short my tour in Germany to come back and figure out how to be commandant.  And now, General “O” is piling on the quest for the LL.M.  Where was my squire, Sancho Panza?

About 23 years earlier, as Basic Class students at the JAG School, a few of us decided to stay in Charlottesville and not take leave over the Christmas holiday.  The JAG School put us to work.  Bill Suter (presently the Clerk of the Supreme Court) and I were assigned the task of preparing a paper explaining why the then Career Course students should be awarded an LL.M.  Bill and I thought we did a good job, but realistically, it was probably a “make work” project that just got filed away.

After General Overholt had returned to the Pentagon, we got busy on the LL.M. project.  We went about it in an orderly process and put David Graham, our Chief of International Law in charge.  We realized that we needed a “champion” in Congress to push our bill through.  There was a high ranking congresswoman from western Maryland who was the Chair of the appropriate subcommittee on Armed Services.  She was invited down to the JAG School to see our operation and to speak to the Graduate Class. 

When the JAG School was built on the grounds of the UVA, it included quarters for the students and guests and dining facilities (We’re not talking a mess hall).  It included VIP quarters and a special room up in the club for entertaining special guests, like our congresswoman.  Our sergeant major ran the club (ah, those were the days).  He could prepare a prime rib that makes my mouth water just thinking about it.  Our plan was to have the congresswoman for a special prime rib dinner and then, she would speak to the Graduate Class the next morning.

The evening started out great.  The wine was flowing and our congresswoman was delightful.  All the key officers at the school were present and she was regaling us with things that were happening on the Hill.  We were right on track

Some months before we sat down to eat, a whacked out GI wandered around his barracks in Germany mad at the world.  He announced to anyone who would listen that he was going to go out and kill a German taxi driver.  He then, went out and with eager premeditation murdered a German taxi driver.  He was tried by general courts-martial, convicted and sentenced to death.  Guess whose congressional district our GI and his family lived it?  Yep, my congresswoman.

That night at dinner, she proceeded to tell me that she was looking into the case and she had found out that the JAG officer who defended the case had never been in court before.  There it was, an outrageous statement that I knew was false.  But, it wasn’t any of my business.  I needed to let it pass.  Whenever my good friend, Fran Gilligan, hears something he knows is false or just doesn’t believe, he smiles and says, “Oh, is that so”, like he had just learned something new.  But, I couldn’t do it.  I responded to the congresswoman that I really didn’t know much about the case, but I did know quite a bit about the Army and the JAG Corps and that there was no way they would try a soldier in a capital case without providing him with a seasoned defense counsel.  She replied that it was the defense counsel’s first capital case and I explained that capital cases were extremely rare in the Army.  Things then got really quiet and I had a chance to reflect on what a jerk I was.  I tried to make small talk, but it went nowhere.  Here, we bring our champion down to the JAG School to prepare her to fight for our LL.M. and I have her stewing.  Not too swift.

Before the evening ended, I apologized for my conduct.  The next morning, before I introduced her to the Grad Class, I apologized again.  Her sculpted smile told me I wasn’t making any headway.  She gave an excellent speech to the class and then closed by saying, “Your commandant has apologized for taking me to task last night.  I haven’t decided to accept his apology, but I want you to know that I am still determine to see that all of you receive an LL.M. for the work you have done this year.”  Everyone in the class stood up and applauded – me the loudest.

Congress passed our statute and that particular Graduate Class and every class thereafter received a Master of Laws degree.  I would like to tell you that I really learned my lesson and that in the future, I have been more diplomatic.  Yeah, I’d like to tell you that.

Shower Me With Routines

I looked up “routine” in the dictionary.  I hate people who look up words to win an argument.  That shifts the whole argument.  You are no longer arguing over the word; now you are arguing over what the definition means.  Anyway, routine means “a regular course of procedure,” or “an habitual or mechanical procedure.”  Everybody has their routines and that is probably good.  Things get done without even thinking about them.

When we back out of the garage, I reach up and push the button closing the garage door.  It’s just routine.  Then, after I have turned the corner, my wife asks, “Did you close the garage door?”  I think I did, but I really don’t know.  So I turn around and drive back to see.  Carole and I grew up in East St. Louis, so we never leave anything open, unlocked or in doubt.  Sure enough, the garage door is closed.

People have routines in the morning, routines in the evening.  Golfers have pre-shot routines (which includes envisioning the path of the ball – sounds good,  just doesn’t work for me).  Even pets have routines.  Our dog got a treat at 9:00 every evening.  At about a quarter to nine, she would start starring at us.  We started the routine, but she was never going to let us forget it.  As soon as someone would get out of their chair, she would go crazy.  Her routine was to do tricks before she got her treat.  So she would routinely start her repertoire of tricks without even being asked so as not to cause unreasonable delays.  Switching on and off of daylight savings time really confused our little friend.  Her clock worked better than ours.

Routines won’t hold up in court.  Someone testifies that they always check the lock on the back door before the go to bed.  The opposing counsel asks, “Did you check it the night in question?”  Then, the witness responds, “I don’t specifically remember doing it that night, but I had to, because I do it every night.”  The witness is in trouble, because every juror knows how a person can slip up on a routine.

It is tricky business to change a routine.  My routine in the morning before work was to exercise, eat, jump in the shower, shave, brush my teeth, get dressed and out the door – in that order.  Then, we had the bathroom remodeled and it took a while for the hot water to make it up to the new shower.  I had a little extra time waiting for the water to get hot, so I decided to brush my teeth.  While brushing, I noticed the glass on the shower steaming up.  No problem, I decided to take my tooth brush into the shower.  I stepped into the shower and continued to brush.  All of a sudden, I was having trouble seeing.  My glasses were fogging up.  I took off my glasses, but there was no place to put them (most people routinely remove their glasses before they step into the shower).  In the process of disposing of my glasses, I got water all over the bathroom, stubbed my toe and said a few choice words.  No more!  I’m going back to habitual and mechanical procedures.

Melva at the Fox

I am sort of a cautious, conservative guy.  So, deciding to try private legal practice just before my 55th birthday was a little out of my comfort zone.  But, Mr. Clinton had just become President and I was persona non grata at the Department of Transportation.  After 31 years with Uncle Sam, the cord was being severed.

Larry Henneberger and I had started in the military over 30 years before.  He was a senior partner at Arent Fox and assisted me in getting interviews which led to being brought into the firm with the title of “of counsel.”  The Firm makes you “of counsel” when you are too old to be an associate and they can’t think of any earthly reason to make you a partner.

I had no clients.  What I did have was an office, a phone and a secretary.  I went through three secretaries my first year.  The first one fired me.  She was really good, but not the least bit interested in teaching me how to survive in a private law firm.  She was a highly skilled litigation secretary and I was cranking out “white papers,” to her dismay, trying to find a client.  I was optimistic and suspected I would figure it out, but she just wanted to get away from me.

My second secretary didn’t want anything to do with me.  I guess, at that time, of counsels generally didn’t make it at the firm.  She didn’t see any need to waste her time on me prior to that happening.  I called her in and told her I needed my out box emptied at least once in the morning and once in the afternoon (I wish I were kidding you).  She promptly went back to her office and called the mail room.  She told them to pick up and deliver distribution directly from my office.  We separated on unfriendly terms.

My third secretary was the subject of an inter-office debate.  They couldn’t decide whether to fire her, or assign her to me.  I got her, but we weren’t very compatible.  I came to work at 7:30 AM and she would wander in about 9:30 to 9:45 AM.  Then, she would take lunch from 1:30 to 3:30 PM.  However, she was a vast improvement over secretary number two.  Anyway, the Admin Office was now doing their job and advised her that if she didn’t come to work on time, they would fire her.  She didn’t, and they did.  And that is how I got Melva.

Melva Pocky (rhymes with okey dokey) was a sweet elderly lady who really didn’t like to file.  So, working in litigation wasn’t a good idea.  But, she was great for me.  She truly was pleased when I would bring in a new client or obtain a favorable result on an existing matter.  She always acted a little ditsy, but I was convinced it was just an act.  After we had been together for a few years, she decided to donate blood to help out one of her friends.  When they took her pulse, they found out that her heart wasn’t even close to beating correctly.

I lost her for an extended time while she was fitted for a pacemaker.  Then, when she returned, she told me she was going to retire.  Melva’s retirement party was a gala event still remembered at the Fox.  My retirement poem to her is below.


I know it’s true, but it’s hard to believe,
Melva Pocky is about to leave.

She’s filled out the forms, that’s the requirement,
She’s anxious to start on her retirement.

What a great secretary, but oh so beguiling,
The work all gets done, except for the filing.

But she’s loved by us all, she helps everyone,
She enjoys acting ditsy, and just having fun.

She walks to work from Foggy Bottom,
in Winter, Spring, Summer and especially Autumn.

There’s a smile on her face and a twinkle in her eye,
And with her new pacemaker, her step is quite spry.

Her heart’s beating fine without hesitation,
It’s warrantied for forty, without lubrication.

This good natured lady from Pennsylvania,
Isn’t dropping us all like the Lusitania.

While we’re losing Melva, no need for hysteria,
While she’s leaving the Fox, she’s not leaving the area.

For she loves all the arts and may telephone ya,
To take a short trip or visit the Smithsonia.

This conclusion sounds silly and even a bit hokey,
But our friend Melva Pocky is just Okey Dokey.

Whoa, Fool Me Once –

Today, JAG officers come into the Army as captains.  Not so when I raised my right hand.  We came in as first lieutenants with the understanding that we would get credit for our time in law school and be promoted to captain in 18 months.  My particular class ended up getting stuck on the bottom of a promotion list that took 21 months.  We were then told that Congress would correct this three month error.  Can you imagine anyone being so naive as to believe that one?

Then there was the vague promise of professional pay.  Doctors, dentists and even veterinarians in the military receive pro-pay, but not lawyers.  Every few years, some congressman would throw a bill in the hopper to give JAGs pro-pay.  We would get all excited and the bill would go nowhere.  Many of my JAG contemporaries would argue that what we did was more important than some veterinarian going around inspecting meat or vaccinating horses.  My approach was different.  I insisted that all the other Army officers held us in contempt because they thought we got pro-pay, so we might as well get it.  We never did.

Shortly after I made captain, the III Corps and Fort Hood Office of the Staff Judge Advocate (JAG Office) held a picnic at Belton Lake.  It was kind of neat.  It was a typical picnic with hamburgers, hot dogs and beer.  Sometime during the middle of the picnic, an enlisted man from the office came up to me.  He was short and stocky and I knew who he was, but didn’t know him well.  He took me aside and said, “Sir, can I speak to you man to man?”  I figured he had a personal problem and I was quite willing to help, so I said, “Sure.”  He then proceeded to tell me that I was a worthless SOB; that I was arrogant, and not half as smart as I thought I was.  I was stunned.  Because I had told him we could speak “man to man,”  I wasn’t sure what I could do (maybe that proved his point about not being half as smart – ).  I got away from him without doing anything stupid.  Life was a lot simpler when you could just punch a guy out.  The picnic had lost its excitement.

After leaving Fort Hood, I spent six months at the Presidio of Monterey learning how to speak German and then, I was assigned to the 4th Armored Division Headquarters in Goeppingen, Germany.  Most of the 4th AD troops were stationed closer to the border, but we were about 30 miles east of Stuttgart.

I had been promoted to major in less than six years, so I guess I should quit complaining about the three extra months as a first lieutenant.  My early promotion to major had a lot to do with the Viet Nam War build-up and very little to do with my accomplishments.  It did, however, cause me to be the Division Duty Officer one Saturday/Sunday.

Early Sunday morning, we were visited by the provost marshal.  He was a big strapping lieutenant colonel who looked like he had played tight end for a major university.  He was literally hauling a drunken GI.  The drunk, a tall skinny soldier, could hardly stand up.  The colonel told us that he was just out for a morning stroll and he saw this GI fall off the sidewalk and roll down a rather steep hill.  He wanted us to find out the soldier’s unit and have someone come get him and take him back to his unit and put him to bed.  The colonel was just interested in the soldier’s safety.

After the provost marshal left, my NCO got on the phone and located the man’s unit.  During this time the GI was carrying on about how he wasn’t drunk and could take care of himself.  Finally, he looked at me an said, “Sir, can I talk to you man to man?”  I immediately said, “Absolutely not!”

Greetings from the Front

The year 2002 was tough on Washington DC.  While we were still recovering from 9/11 and the anthrax scare,  what had everyone really up tight was the sniper who was randomly killing people for no apparent reason.   As people were being shot while they put gas in their car or went shopping, it really changed how we went about our routine.  That is the back drop for my Christmas poem of 2002.

                                        GREETINGS FROM THE FRONT – 2002

It’s the annual report, brought with cautious glee,
Coming to you direct, from Outpost DC.
With the Pentagon and anthrax and latest a sniper,
There was plenty of cause to be down right hyper.
But, we will prevail, on that you can bet,
It’s our Nation’s capital, lest they forget.

We certainly became cautious, bought our gas on post,
We didn’t take chances, the sniper was a ghost.   
But, Carole broke the rules, her situation was dire,
She had a $10 coupon that was about to expire.
She snuck off to Kohls, against my advice,
With the pull of the bargain, she would have gone twice.
So that’s the excitement, and that is our tale,
I think she’d still be there, for a truckload sale.

In April, we made a very special trip,
We traveled down under and it was a pip.
We saw Sydney and Melbourne and incredible Ayers Rock,
Roos, wombats and koalas, all kinds of weird stock.
The outback, the rainforest, Great Barrier Reef,
Strange types of meat, so we missed our beef.
Then off to New Zealand, an emerald sea,
And we flew up and down in a DC3.
The country’s much smaller and prices are cheap,
And everywhere you look, there’s sheep, sheep, sheep.

Ten years at the Fox, not bad for a JAG,
Interesting issues, never a drag.
Stimulating stuff that really inspires,
Super hot topics, like ball joints and tires.
It’s exciting to Jack, as he tells his clients,
“I think it’s inconsequential noncompliance.”
But good golf is his goal, before he retires,
A crisp straight shot is the thing that inspires.
A golf school in Florida may be the stroke,
To lower the handicap, so it’s not a joke.
To keep Carole happy and ensure that she’s busy,
We’ll pick out a spot that’s close to Missy.

The children and grandchildren are all doing great,
Becky and Missy are still teaching, Paul locks the gate.
Supervising a prison takes a special guy,
And located in Virginia, puts the family close by.
Becky and the kid came this summer to DC,
When the only threat around was yours truly, me.
The kids all played softball, in an Arent Fox game,
And Grant was the hero, when Grandpa’s throw turned lame.
Missed the Hansens at Thanksgiving, cause Kristin had to practice,
Her cheerleading competition, jumped right up and smacked us.
She’s a flyer up on top and that’s because she’s small,
But also when she drops, it’s a long way to fall.

We’re thankful that our moms are still doing well,
Navigating their eighties, but you can’t really tell.
They’re both independent and living life to their tune,
Enjoying their retirement, we expect to see them soon.

With the country’s ups and downs, there’s something you should hear,
We’re coming to the season, for friendship and good cheer.
So to the neighbors, fellow workers and Thrift Shop volunteers,
To retired Judge Advocates, and friends throughout the years,
We wish you all the best, and may your future be bright
We wish you a Merry Christmas and to all a Good Night!

Brother Bob

I haven’t written in a while because my wife, Carole, and I made a quick trip to St. Charles, Missouri to visit Carole’s younger brother, Bob.    Ordinarily, Bob and his wife, Sue, would be returning from two months of enjoying the sun and sand in Florida.    But this year, their world got flipped upside down.

In December, Bob went in for a routine check up for his arthritis and mentioned to the doctor that he had felt some discomfort in his stomach area.   The doctor decided to do a CT scan and when the testing was done, it was determined that Bob had pancreatic cancer with tumors on his pancreas and liver.   The first round of chemotherapy was a flop.  It made Bob sick and didn’t slow the tumors down.

Bob is an extremely likable guy.  Bob was a toe-head when he was young and still remains a blond with light complexion.  Mustache, sometimes.  He stands about six foot tall and always has a funny comment to make.   When the doctors reevaluated his case and decided to go with a 24/7 chemo drip (stent in his chest), he nicknamed his chemo fanny pack, “Chemo Sabe.”

At an earlier time, Bob had been an air traffic controller and very dedicated to his job.  But, he was strong on the union and was caught up in the strike that resulted in President Reagan firing a large number of ATCs.   I have always felt guilty that I didn’t call Bob and tell him that I was convinced that President Reagan was serious about firing them.   I don’t know if it would have made any difference in Bob’s decision, but I have regretted through the years not making the call.  What’s the use of having insight if you don’t share it.   I have used that experience as a lesson learned so as not to make the same mistake twice.   Now, I tell people what I think and annoy them.

Bob is great company and has gathered a very large number of friends through the years.  One of his loves is electronic gadgets.   As soon as something new comes out, he has it.  So, when they stuck him in ICU with a 12 inch TV with five channels, he went crazy.  “Where’s my 60 inch Sony?”

I’m not sure about his handyman skills.  Bob was telling me about a painter he knew that was going to do some interior painting for him.   The painter told him that the job would cost $1,000.   But, if Bob wanted to help, it would cost $2,000!

The cancer has been tough on Bob.  A short while back, he had pneumonia and now he is trying to dissolve blood clots in his leg.  They seem to be moving in the right direction and hopefully, in a short while, he will be sitting at his command center in front of his 60 inch Sony.

What Ought-Six Wrought

Each Christmas, I write a poem that goes out with our Christmas cards.  It is my way of reporting to our friends on what happened during the year.  I plan on posting the poems.  Maybe someone will see the subtle and not-so-subtle humor woven into the verse. 

RAJA is the Retired Army Judge Advocates.  We meet every year to renew old friendships and struggle with world problems. 

I hope you enjoy Christmas, 2006.

                                       What Ought-Six Wrought

It’s time to report on the year Ought-Six,

It’s good times and bad times, the usual mix.

There were bright shining moments and yes, some wearies,

But it can’t be all bad, when the Cards won the Series.


Last year, I mentioned remodeling, bathrooms here and there,

I also mentioned selection of tile, caused someone to pull out her hair.

Well, the project took on a life of its own, and expanded in curious ways,

We set the mark high, and we climbed and climbed, until all involved were dazed.

But, the project was probably worth it.  Let me set the scene,

When people enter our house, they ask, “Which way to the Taj Latrine?”


Saying Carole is organized, is a gross understatement,

She’s summa cum laude at disorder abatement.

But the bathroom remodeling caused a noticeable tilter,

Like when they vacuumed their mess, without use of a filter

She kept calm and poised through this dust bowl year,

Adding to the legion of our organized dear.

It was a year of stress, of stroking and coddling,

But next year for sure, there’ll be no remodeling!


Our RAJA reunion was good times and giddy,

Under Mt. Rushmore, in Rapid City.

The Baker’s live there and the Heaston’s played host,

In the shadow of Mt. Rushmore, we all shared a toast.

In July we toured Oregon, but we took our licks,

When we arrived in Portland, it was 106.

But with waterfalls, golf resorts and yes, Crater Lake,

Throw in some whale watching and it was great, for criminy sake.

What’s great about a fiftieth high school reunion is just being there,

Who cares about a few extra pounds or the sight of missing hair.

Jack had a great time, full of East Side High stories,

Remembering lost friends, revisiting past glories.

We all had laughs, some had a tear,

And Carole’s due up in just a year.


We lost our pet, Holly, early in the year,

It was a great blow, ‘cause she brought us such cheer.

She was never a problem, never a fuss,

As a matter of fact, she was smarter than us.

We will never forget her, never, no never,

She’ll be in our memories, forever and ever.

Jack’s working on phase-out, it’s work so to speak,

You’ll find him in the office three days a week.

Next year only two days, and then comes none,

It’s a nice way to transition toward wall-to-wall fun.

Even then he’ll be busy, but he’ll make the selection,

From a world of choices, and the speed of projection.


Regarding our progeny, as far as we can tell,

Nothing much has changed, so they’re all doing well.

Three grandchildren in High School and one in College,

We hope by osmosis, they’re all gaining knowledge.

Then there’s Kristin, our only granddaughter,

Fourteen and that smile, you have to applaud her.

Little Jack’s a delight, but he can be a booger,

When he dips into the candy, and loads up on sugar.

But all six of the grandchildren are such a delight,

Who would have guessed, they’d all be so bright.


So as the year closes, and we pause to reflect,

On our friends and loved ones, all those we respect.

We cherish those memories, at all times of the year,

But especially around Christmas, when families draw near.

So enjoy the Holidays, be healthy, thank Heaven,

And try to come see us in 2007.


Why, Why, Why?

This website is a direct result of my efforts to figure out what I want to do when I retire.  I decided I wanted to write and, perhaps make people laugh or smile.  I have written quite a bit through the years, always trying to sneak in a little humor (not easy when writing on legal topics).  This is my window to the world.  It’s probably not open very wide, but at least it is here.

I am presently a partner with a super law firm in Washington, DC.  Arent Fox also has offices in New York City and Los Angeles.  Their website is (pretty original, huh?).  If you want to look me up (I’m not on My Space), try  I guess that makes my code name 225 and gives you some incite as to how big Arent Fox is.

I practice motor vehicle safety law.  Not a big winner at the cocktail party.  Professions are like jokes; if you have to explain them, you are lost.  “I do motor vehicle safety law.”  “Oh, how nice.”  Or, “Isn’t that interesting.”

Operation Blue Bell

If you are going to be an Army officer, there are certain additional duties that come with the territory.  The good news is you don’t have to pull guard duty and you don’t have to be the observer during the urinalysis drug testing.  But, you will from time to time be assigned as the Officer of the Day.  This means that you will report to the post or command headquarters at the close of the business day and spend the night “in charge.”

As a brand new Army JAG Captain, my name came up to be the Officer of the Day for III Corps and Fort Hood.  Counting III Corps and the 1st and 2nd Armored Divisions, there were about 40,000 troops at Fort Hood, Texas.  At about 1630 hours (4:30 PM), I reported to the Corps G3 Operations Office for my briefing.  Then, lugging a large three-ring notebook, which contained all of the answers I would need, I headed for the duty officer area to settle in for the night.  Some duty officers might be impressed with their authority.  I was just hoping not to screw up.  I met the NCO who would assist me and it turned out that it was his first time also.

I studied the three-ring notebook and most of it made sense.  If the local police called about a GI who had gotten in trouble, I call the military police.  If I received information about the death of a soldier’s relative, I notify the soldier’s unit.  I transmitted messages to the right people.  I could do that.  The only thing that was confusing was the stuff about alerts.  Some alerts were paper drills to see how quickly the on-duty G3 officer could come in from his quarters, open the safe, and respond with the correct response code.  In rare cases, it would require the entire post to report for duty.  The whole subject was fuzzy to me.

My NCO and I split up the duty so that each of us could sleep for a short while.  At 0345 hours
(3:45 AM), a Specialist Four reported to me from the Communications Center.  He had a message from Fourth Army, our higher headquarters.  I looked at the message and it said, “Execute Operation Blue Bell.”  I was clueless.  I got out my three-ring notebook and there it was, but it was written in “operation speak.”  I wasn’t sure what to do.  My NCO knew a lot about motor pools, but he was no help on this message.  The Spec Four was still waiting for a response.

At that particular moment, I remembered that some type of close hold activity was going on and that there was a G3 Major sleeping in the G3 shop.  I told everyone to give me a minute and tore up the stairs.  When I woke the Major, I scared the daylights out of him.  When he finally became oriented as to where he was, I showed him the message.  It turned out my Major was a one-trick pony and this wasn’t his trick.  The clock was running!

I went downstairs and looked at the notebook again.  Then I said to the Specialist Four, “What do you think the message means?’  He said, “I think we need to alert the entire command.”  I said, “OK, go ahead and do it.”  Forty thousand troops were being awakened at 0400 hours.

The whole episode reminded me of the book, Catch 22.  It’s a great book about what can go wrong in the military.  In this particular Air Force unit, all the important decisions were being made by
Ex P.F.C. Wintergreen in the Communications Center.  When Generals Peckem and Dreedle (the commanders in charge) could not agree, each would prepare a letter to higher headquarters advocating their position.  The letters would go through the Communication Center where Ex P.F.C. Wintergreen would review them.  He would then forward the letter he agreed with.  He would destroy the other letter.  In my case, I may have been the Officer of the Day, but the only one who knew what to do was the Spec Four in the Communication Center.

About 15 minutes after the alert went out, I received a call from the Chief of Staff of the 2nd Armored Division.  He asked the question I didn’t want to hear.  He said, “Captain, are you sure this includes the 2nd Armored Division?”  Then came my brightest moment.  I said, “Sir, it’s a Blue Bell alert.”  He thanked me and hung up.  At that moment, I knew that I wasn’t the only one who was clueless as to what a Blue Bell alert was.

It turned out that my Ex P.F.C. Wintergreen in the Communications Center knew what he was doing and we had done the right thing by alerting the entire post.  I got off duty at 0700 hours and went home, cleaned up, ate breakfast and went to my office.  When I arrived, the Sergeant Major said, “Captain, you missed the alert this morning.”  I said, “No I didn’t Sergeant Major, but I almost did.”

Schilling Manor

One of the great things about the military is that where ever you are assigned, there is a good chance that you will run into friends you have served with before and, also, you are guaranteed to meet new friends.  In the late Sixties, I was wrapping up three years in Germany and knew I would be going to school for a year. and then on to Vietnam.  The school was in Chicago and we decided we would live in Evanston, but Carole had to decide where she and the kids would live while I was in Vietnam.  She selected Schilling Manor.

Schilling Air Force Base in Salina, Kansas ceased operations in 1965.  There were over 700 family housing units and I believe it was about the same time that the 1st Infantry Division at Fort Riley, Kansas was getting ready to deploy to Vietnam.  If my facts are straight, many of the wives from Fort Riley moved 50 miles west and opened up Schilling Manor.  It became a waiting wives home.

Schilling Manor turned out to be an excellent choice.  Three years in Germany reading the Stars and Stripes Newspaper hadn’t prepared us for what we found in Chicago in 1969.  The Chicago Seven trial was in progress and there was a lot of ill feelings toward the military.  They (student & faculty) shut down Northwestern when the Army went into Cambodia.  Carole found a great group of like-minded wives at Schilling (Also, Salina is a little different from Chicago).

Schilling Manor was attached to Fort Riley for support and before you knew it, there was a commisary, PX and medical and dental support.  By the time Carole and the kids arrived in 1970, it had been running smoothly for a number of years.  They had figured out security for this large housing area void of husbands.  Each house had four or five outside lights and they were required to be turned on every night.  It looked like 10 o’clock in the morning.  Couple that with a civilian security force driving around and there weren’t many problems.  If a car showed up in the housing area with a Fort Riley decal, it was quickly checked out.  It the GIs were up to no good, their commander knew about it the next morning.

After completing my tour, I had about a month before I had to report to my next assignment.  This gave me a chance to meet some of Carole’s close friends.  One we will never forget was an Air Force wife named Ruth.  Ruth was going to join us on a shopping trip to Fort Riley.  We also planned on picking up some booze at the Class VI store.

At that time many of the Class VI stores were run by either the Officers Club or the NCO Club.  The Fort Riley Class VI store was operated by the O-Club.  Ruth kept insisting that she believed you had to be a member of the O-Club to buy liquor at the Class VI.  Each time Ruth mentioned that, I would tell her that they were not going to keep an officer, in transit (between assignment), returning from Vietnam from purchasing liquor.  She felt very uncomfortable about going to the Class VI.  This was a big Class VI where everyone used a shopping cart.  I told her that when it was time to check out, she could get right behind me and just do what I did.

When we were done shopping, we headed for the check out line.  It was a long counter with three cash registers spaced along the counter.  Only the last register was in operation, so we stood in line waiting our turn (Ruth close behind me).  Ruth was extremely nervous.  I was the next customer.  Just then a man came out of the office and went to the second cash register right in front of Ruth.  He looked at her and said, “Will it be cash or charge?”  Ruth immediately responded, “I’m not a member.”  I was so startled that it took me a minute to respond.  I said, “Cash” to an obviously confused clerk, who then, checked her out.

As soon as we got outside, I looked a Ruth and said, “I’m not a member?”  Ruth smiled and said, “Well, I’m not.”  You can see why we will never forget Ruth, nor the many other experiences at Schilling Manor.