Sometime Around Christmas 1997

No Christmas party in 1997.  So we didn’t have to send out the Christmas cards early (with invitations) .  And then, with Disney World, time just got away from us.  I think I wrote this poem in mid-January and we mailed out the Christmas cards toward the end of the month.  This is an excellent way to find out who the people are who are only sending you a card because you sent them one.

Just ten years ago and it all seems foreign to me.  It did remind me that both of our mothers were present for Paul’s wedding.  That was no small fĂȘte.  I guess that means Paul and Sandy have been married for just over ten years.  I was married right before my 21st birthday and I had to get my mother to sign a consent form so I could get married.  What a crazy world.

                               Sometime Around Christmas, 1997

It all seems so fuzzy, I can’t see through the haze,
This poem should be written, but I’m still in a daze.
It was a great year, and we had a blast,
But it galloped right by us, just too darn fast.

We saw Palm Springs and Scottsdale, Prescott and Rapid City,
We were all over Alaska and boy was it pretty.
Back to Mizzou for a law school gathering,
Great to see classmates, yet only a smattering.

This poem was a casualty of the events of the year,
Too much packing, unpacking and over bookings to fear.
But as wild as it got and as it spun and twirled,
In December we trekked to Walt Disney World.

So we’re exhausted, but smiling, it was quite a treat,
To see Disney at Christmas, just to walk down each street.
So this is my best shot, my promise, what-the-hey,
You’ll be reading this poem by Ground Hog Day.

The Ross’s are in Arizona and Becky is still teaching,
But with Grant in her class, it’s a wonder she’s not screeching.
The kids are doing great, enjoying sports and school,
Except Grant broke his arm and Brandon thinks he’s cool.

Big year for the Hansens with Terry’s promotion,
But with moving to Florida came all the commotion.
With Tyler in wrestling and Missy house selling,
Kristin’s playing princess, that’s so foretelling.

This is Paul’s year, all other things aside,
At thirty years of age, he took himself a bride.
Married in September with Sandy forever more,
Both hugged Blanche and Mary, then off to the Eastern shore.

The Firm is doing well, another banner year,
So many new lawyers, I can’t keep them clear.
We’re converting from a partnership to – oh, I can’t remember,
I will no longer be a partner, I’ll soon be a member.

Our spirits are running high, and Carole still has her looks,
But she has the basement tilting with shelves and shelves of books.
She get them from her mother, from friends and from the stores,
She finds them at the Thrift Shop, along with friends that she adores.

We’re loyal Redskin fans – we show up every game,
The only thing we wish is that the team had done the same.
I think I better quit, what else can I say,
If I keep on scribbling, I’ll miss Ground Hog Day.

                                        We wish you a very merry   
                                                Ground Hog Day!

P.S.   Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

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