Washington Capitals, Celebration, Castigation, Huh?

On March 19, 2009, the Washington Capitals beat the Tampa Bay Lightning 5-2.  In the first period, Alex Ovechkin, the Capitals’ star and last year’s league MVP notched his 50th goal.  After the goal, he celebrated by dropping his stick and acting as if it were too hot to pick up.  If we were talking about the NFL, this would not be worth mentioning, but in hockey, you can knock out the opponent’s front teeth, but you shouldn’t be over zealous in celebrating a goal.

The coach for Tampa Bay is Rick Tocchet.  He was upset about the celebration and said, “I grew up in the old days in the Spectrum [Philly arena] where in the first period, after that happened, it might have been a three-hour first period.”  There are three periods in a hockey game.  Each lasts twenty minutes on the clock.  It usually takes 30 – 40 minutes to play a period.  Tocchet’s three-hour period would have consisted mostly of brawling.  Blood on the ice is consistent with hockey etiquette.

The name Rick Tocchet sets me off.  Back in March 1997 (so what if it was 12 years ago), the Capitals entered into a trade with Boston which brought Adam Oates and Rick Tocchet to Washington.  Oates showed up and became a big part of the Capitals.  Tocchet let it be known that he didn’t want to be here and left the first chance he got.  He mentioned that he had played in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Boston and wanted to play where there was a rich hockey tradition.  I felt bad, but I understood that Washington, back then, did not have a “rich hockey tradition.”  So where did Tocchet go?  He went to Phoenix!  In the term “rich hockey tradition,” the emphasis was on the word “rich.”  Where will I get the most bucks.

My personal view on the “hot stick celebration” is that it was probably too close to the Tampa Bay goalie.  Using an NFL analogy, you don’t spike the football at the feet of the defensive safety.  I don’t think there was any intention to embarrass the goalie, but, Alex, move a little farther away.  But to have Rick Tocchet playing the roll of the righteous indignant observer boggles my mind.

In February 2006, Tocchet was served with a criminal complaint accusing him of financing a nationwide sports gambling ring based in New Jersey.  Janet Jones, the Great Gretzky’s wife, was also charged.  In May 2006, Tocchet and Jones notified New Jersey that they intended to sue for 50 million dollars for defamation (back before the Obama Administration, that used to be a lot of money).  Anyway, the ploy didn’t work.

On May 25, 2007, Tocchet pleaded guilty to conspiracy and promoting gambling.  It’s unfortunate when one is caught conducting criminal activity, but if someone is over zealous in celebrating a goal, then one is required to indignantly speak out.

Tocchet said that Ovechkin “went down a notch in my books.”  Well, I only have one such book and Tocchet can’t get much lower.  I will try not to be too over zealous in my celebration when Tampa Bay (24-52) fires him.

It’s Tough Being a MIZZOU Fan

I have a large magnetic helmet that I slap on the side of my car door during football season.   The helmet has a block “M” on it.  Periodically, someone will ask me when I went to Michigan.  What idiots.  There is probably no helmet more distinctive that Michigan’s and it certainly doesn’t have a block “M”.

It’s tough being a Mizzou fan out here on the East coast.  The Washington Post thinks any game played West of the Mississippi is a late start and they don’t post the score.

The NCAA tournament is getting ready to start and you can bet that the TV announcers will be showing the UCLA victory over Mizzou in 1995.  We are always the backdrop for some sensational or outrageous play.

In the UCLA game, we were ahead by one point and there were 4.8 seconds left in the game.  UCLA’s Tyus Edney got the ball under his own basket and raced down the court dodging Mizzou players.  He threw the ball up and scored just before the buzzer.  UCLA 75, Mizzou 74.  I’ll get to see that play at least five time in the next few weeks.  Hey, it was 14 years ago.  Give it a rest.

Did I mention that UCLA went on to win the NCAA championship that year.  Always the backdrop.  I got to thinking.  I’ll bet that damn thing is on You Tube.  Once you start thinking like that it’s kind of hard not to look.  Yep, it’s there.

In 1990, the Colorado Buffaloes were declared the college football national champions.  Would you like to hazard a guess as to whom they beat on the last play of the game, which happened to be their fifth down?  You are right.  It was Mizzou.  We got stuck with officials who couldn’t court past four.

After Colorado completed a pass and got a first down, the quarterback raced up and spiked the ball (down one).  They then ran a play and failed to score (down two).  Colorado called its last time out.  An official on the sideline failed to flip the down marker.  Colorado ran the ball again and Mizzou held (down three).  Then the QB spiked the ball again (down four!).  And, on the fifth down, Colorado scored to win the game.

My son, Paul, was at the game and he and many of the fans in the student section knew it was fifth down.  But who is going to listen to the screams of the student section?  It would have been nice if one of the Mizzou coaches would have known what down it was.  I refuse to look on You Tube.  It’s too depressing.

I’ve got to get this over fast.  Reliving these moments is not healthy.  In 1997, Mizzou is beating Nebraska and Big Red is down to its last play.  A pass is thrown to Nebraska’s Wiggins in the end zone.  Mizzou’s Julien Jones slaps the ball free from Wiggins’ hands.  Just before the ball hits the ground, Wiggins kicks the ball up in the air (you can’t to that) and another Nebraska player dives and catches the ball.  I thought it touched the ground, but there was no instant replay in 1997 and some official who was concentrating on getting the downs right called it a touchdown.  That tied the game and Nebraska prevailed in overtime.

In recent years, things have gotten better.  Our football teams have been winning (and beating up on Nebraska).  Mizzou’s basketball team is having a great year.  We are seeded third in the NCAA tournament with a 28-6 record.  We just won the Big 12 Tournament so I flipped open the Washington Post to see what it had to say about our beating Baylor for the championship.  The headline said, “Baylor’s Big 12 Run is Halted in Title Game.”  Well that’s the Washington Post.

I decided to go on line and see what the St. Louis Post-Dispatch had to say.  I needed something warm and fuzzy.  So, how does the Post-Dispatch headline read?  I couldn’t make this up.  It says, “It’s back to Boise for No. 3 seed Mizzou.  Tigers return to site of their heartbreaking loss to UCLA in 1995.”  Enough already!  Enough!

Child Seat Safety and the Plight of the Manufacturer

The question I have is why would anyone want to manufacture child safety seats?  It makes about as much sense as being a bull rider.  Bull riding probably makes more sense, because they are quite popular and do very well with the ladies, until they get stomped on a few times.  Child seat manufacturers need only look forward to being stomped.

Don’t get me wrong.  I think child seats are wonderful.  Any parent who doesn’t put their infant in a child seat should have their head examined.  Child safety seats save lives.  But, manufacturers take on great risks in selling them.

First, the seat has to comply with Federal standards.  There’s a crash test to ensure the seat and child will survive a crash.  There are buckle tests to ensure that buckles don’t open too easily, but will open after a crash.  They need to have appropriate hardware which will attach to the cars they are put in.  Those clasps have to be able to withstand so many pounds of pressure that might occur in a crash.  The straps have to pass strength tests and all the fabrics have to pass stringent flammability tests.

Is that so unreasonable?  I don’t think so.  The manufactures accept the requirements as their responsibility.  They want to make a safe product.  They test their seats to ensure that they comply with all the requirements.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is responsible for setting the standards.  When I was Chief Counsel for the agency, we tested every new seat to every standard.  We were hyper over child seat safety.  If there was a problem, usually the manufacturer stepped up and recalled the product.  But, some manufacturers just stopped making child seats.

Then, there’s the litigation involved in child seats.  If there is a crash and a child secured in a child seat is injured, you can pretty much bet on a law suit.  It doesn’t matter how many cars were involved, or the speed of the vehicles, or the direction of impact, the company will be sued.  Litigation is one of our national pastimes.  While some times it is definitely justified, many times it is not.

I remember a case where a man’s wife died when she rolled the car and it went off an overpass.  It landed on its roof.  He sued the car manufacturer because the air bag didn’t deploy.  Then there was the one where the woman decided to commit suicide by locking herself in the trunk of her car.  After a few days, she changed her mind.  But, she couldn’t get out.  She was eventually found and survived.  She sued the car manufacturer and recovered.  I guess there should have been a warning in the trunk.

After I left NHTSA, I joined Arent Fox and had the opportunity to represent child seat manufacturers.  Century Products made a great infant seat called the 590.  It was the best selling infant seat.  The base stayed hooked in the car while the infant seat lifted out and acted as a carrier for the child.  Century had never received a complaint regarding separation of the base and the seat in a crash.  Not bad.  But, not good enough.

One day, back in 1995, Consumers Union notified Century that they had crash tested the 590 and that it had failed.  The tests had taken place a few months earlier, but Consumers Union kept the results secret from Century.  They wanted to splash the story in their Consumer Reports magazine.  CU also petitioned NHTSA to recall the 590 for being defective.  Well NHTSA eventually denied CU’s petition, but not soon enough to save the 590.  Life isn’t fair.

I question the motives of Consumers Union, who is suppose to be the friend of the consumer, but conceals safety testing for months.  If their testing showed a safety concern, shouldn’t they quickly notify the manufacturer, or the government or the public?

If I were going to buy a vacuum cleaner or a toaster, I might look at what Consumer Reports had to say.  Then again, maybe I wouldn’t.  But, if we are talking about a product where there is dynamic testing, such as a car seat, or an automobile, I wouldn’t trust Consumers Union.  I don’t think they are qualified and they are too interested in a dramatic story. 

Back in 1996 or 97, I went into a Ford dealership to get some literature on the Ford Explorer.  Some tall skinny dude in a cowboy hat told me they didn’t have any material to give me, but that the Explorer was ranked number one in Consumer Reports.  I got out of there and saved myself and family from being part of the rollover debacle.

Let me get back to my child safety seat proposal.  And it has nothing to do with Consumers Union trying to play the Wizard of Oz.  If a product is mandated by the government (as child seats are in most states), and the Federal government specifies safety requirements for the product, then meeting or exceeding those safety requirements should preclude product liability law suits that attempt to hold the manufacturer to some different standard.  Now there’s some Congressional legislation I could live with and it wouldn’t cost the government any money.

Streaking and Gargoyling

It was 1974 and I was teaching at The Judge Advocate General’s School, which is located on the grounds of the University of Virginia in Charlottesville.  Students were no longer protesting the Vietnam War.  For all practical purposes, it was over.  So how were these students, many away from home for the first time, to expend their energy.  The answer was streaking.

Streaking became quite popular on campuses across the nation.  It didn’t matter whether there was an athletic event or the outdoor meeting of the Ladies Horticultural Society, some young dude, naked as a jaybird, would go streaking through the event.  One of our Basic Class Graduations was interrupted by a streaker (and it was indoors).  No one seemed to get too upset.

The levity of the situation caused me to sit down and write the following letter to the editor of the Daily Progress newspaper.  They published it under the title, “After Streaking, What?”

Dear Editor:

Rah, Rah, Raw for the streaking streakers of this wonderful country.  No one should really complain.  Youth has always had an overabundance of energy and it must be expended.  So why not streak?  Just keep in mind that three years ago, some were expending their energy making bombs and burning down ROTC buildings on campus.  Bless their streaking streaks.

However, I am concerned about the longevity of streaking.  While streaking is great for comfortable spring days, I fear that the heat of the summer will have a deterrent effect upon even the heartiest of streakers and that the sport will wane.  In short, streaking will soon be out of season.

I submit that those of us who advocate harmless frolic are compelled to bring forth an acceptable substitute.  After some careful thought, I believe that gargoyling is an acceptable substitute.  This practice would consist of the student climbing up on the outside of a university building in the nude and assuming a position on the facade as a gargoyle.  Our society has long accepted the appearance of weird looking gargoyles on buildings, so it would be inconsistent to object to gargoyling.

While university students have competed to see which could gather the largest group of streakers, gargoyling, too, can have its competitive aspects;  for example, most gargoyles on campus, or the highest gargoyle on campus, or the weirdest looking gargoyle.  The ultimate contest could be gargoyling for the longest period of time.  Any student  who could hold his pose for over four hours would definitely be a contender.  By then, he would surely be subjected to fatigue, the campus police and those nasty birds.

While I realize that gargoyling, like streaking, suffers from the malady of being seasonal, those of us who are organizing the Society for the Encouragement of Harmless Frolics are already concerning ourselves with the selection of a winter sport.


                                                                    P. J. Rice

Dog Bites, Drug Addicts and Modern Medicine

The twelfth year of my life should have been a good one.  I was learning how to pitch.  My Dad, who caught professionally, was really excited about the way I was throwing the ball.  I was playing “B” League baseball (ages 10-13) in East St. Louis and no pitcher could be 13.  So, this was my year.  The sky was the limit.

Early in the summer, a bunch of kids were taking their bicycles out Bunkum Road and so, I raced home to get my bike.  On my way to catch them, a dog started chasing the bike.  I decided that if I just ignored the dog, I would be OK.  What a dumb idea.  The dog bit me on the calf.  It wasn’t a bad bite, but it broke the skin.  I went home and my Mom took me to the doctor’s office.  We waited all afternoon and when we saw the doctor, he gave me a tetanus shot and told us we needed to find the dog.   Well, we tried, but we never did.

The moral of the story is if you are ever bit by a dog, don’t loss sight of the mutt.  I was bit again while in Vietnam and my earlier experience paid off.  I found the owner of the dog and when the dog died (that was scary), I practically lived with the veterinarians until they let me know that the dog did not have rabies.

At age twelve, I had to take the rabies shots.  Doc Stein explained that they were given one a day for 14 days and they needed to be given in the lining of the stomach.  After each shot, I had to lay down for about 15 minutes.  I felt like I had been kicked by a horse.  Doc Stein was out of town for shots 13 and 14.  So, his father, the elder Doctor Stein gave me the shots.  He explained that there was no absolute requirement that they be given in the stomach.  He gave me shots in the buttocks and thigh that were both painless.  I just checked, and today the rabies vaccine consists of four shots and they are given in the arm, like a flu shot.  What a rip.

I had my last shot on Wednesday and started getting sick on Friday.  I was weak, miserable and throwing up.  Mom took me to see Doc Stein on Saturday and he gave me some cold medicine.  We finally got him to come to the house late Sunday afternoon (Yes, they really did make house calls).  I was rushed to the hospital.  My white blood cell count was out of sight.  I had an appendicitis.

When they operated Monday morning, it turned out my appendix had ruptured and gangrene had set in.  I found out later that Doc Stein could not complete the operation and that another doctor stepped in and saved me.  I was one sick puppy.  Thank goodness for penicillin.  Every four hours, I would get a penicillin shot in my bottom.  I got to where, during the night, I could roll over and get the shot without even waking up.  My bottom looked like a pin cushion.  They left a long drainage tube in me which required my bandages to be changed every day.  Every few days, they would pull out a little of my tube and cut it off.  Now there is a strange sensation.

I was in the hospital for about three weeks.  My pitching career was over.  About a month after I got out of the hospital and while still under Doc Stein’s care, it came out in the local newspaper that Doc Stein and his wife were both addicted to morphine.  This made a lot of things fall into place.  That’s why he couldn’t finish the operation.  That’s why he had to wait until his wife got home with the car to come see me that Sunday, when they had three cars.  I also remember his secretary telling me how fantastic he was with an hypodermic needle (lots of practice).  The only good news was that office visits took less time.  He was only permitted to care for patients already under his care.

In the fall, I went out for junior high football.  I made it through the three tough weeks of preseason ball, but when the doctor showed up for physicals, I knew I was in trouble.  The hole where the tube had been had healed, but not properly.  The doctor told me that he would not approve my physical, but if I could get my doctor’s approval, I could play.  I went to see Doc Stein and he cut the skin tissue over the hole and let it drain.  I remember him saying, “This shouldn’t hurt.”  Maybe he was referring to himself.  It hurt like hell.  I healed up fine, but my 8th grade football season was over.  What a helpless feeling.

No one will ever convince me that the rabies shots in the stomach weren’t the cause of my appendix going bad and rupturing.  I have never gotten a doctor to agree with me.  They can’t tell me what caused my appendicitis.  They would just blow me off.  But, these are the guys who used to put leeches on people.

Disney and Golf

What can I say?  We love Disney World.  I think it opened in 1971 and we took our kids in 1973.  Since then, we have gone over a dozen times.  We have taken our children and parents.  We have had family reunions involving four generations and lately, it’s been just me and Carole.

It’s nice to go someplace that is clean and everyone is friendly and helpful.  Think about that.  It’s the Disney philosophy.  No arrogant clerks.  You never get the feeling that someone wants to pass you on just to get rid of you.  Sweet.  I find myself smiling a lot.  Even when I see young parents with three worn out, cranky kids, I smile and say to myself, thank goodness they’re not ours.

The last two times we have gone down, we have combined Disney World with a two-day golf school at David Leadbetter’s Champion Gate.  It’s only about four miles down I-4.  While at golf school, we stay at Shades of Green, the military recreation center at Disney World.  And Missy, our daughter who lives in Jacksonville, came down to keep Carole company.

One of the neat things about the Leadbetter Academy is they let me pick the dates for my instruction.  Then, they post the dates on their website and fill up the class (four students per instructor).  Maybe this was the one time that the economic downturn helped me.  It turned out that I was the only student who signed up.  The class only took about five hours  each day, rather than eight, but I was receiving one-on-one instruction.  Not bad.

Andrew Park, my instructor, video taped everything I did.  We spent quite a bit of the first day reminding me of what I had learned and forgotten two years before.  That’s a hell of a note.  I won’t forget again.  We also spent a lot of time in the classroom looking at the videos.  Andrew would set up a split screen with me on one side and Tiger Woods or Ernie Ells on the other.  Now, I ask you, is that fair?  Once you got past the fact that we were all swinging from the right side, the similarities vanished.  Oh yes, the ball looked about the same.

The split screen is an excellent way to observe what Tiger was doing wrong.  Oh, I’m sorry, I was referring to Tiger Rice.  Andrew wanted me to be tall like Ernie and Tiger.  So did I.  So did my football coaches.  It just ain’t going to happen.  When I was growing up, my Mom told me that if I ate my salad, I would grow tall.  What a crock.  I finally figured out that Andrew wanted me to stand taller over the ball.  “Stand tall like Tiger.”  I got it, but it took me much too long.

I do love the game.  The Washington Post, for Valentine’s Day, asked people to express love in six words.  All I could think of was, “It’s curling, curling.  It dropped in!”

The down side of a golf school is it will take me two or three months to be hitting the ball as well as I was before I went to school.  But the thought of hitting the ball farther, straighter and stopping the ball on the green like a “dropped cat” keeps me going.  Oh, I forgot to mention.  I finished first in my class.

For the last five or six trips, we have obtained a Disney package that included everything.  Room, meals, recreation (spelled GOLF- I played twice), transportation and entry to all the parks.  We also have been staying in the concierge building which provides breakfast, late morning and early afternoon snacks and appetizers between five and seven o’clock.  We seem to be paying for a lot of duplication and we plan to take a look at how to be more frugal.  Disney World has great restaurants.  We particularly like Narcoossee’s,  located at the boat house at the Grand Floridian.  But let’s face it.  You can only eat so much and with everything free, it becomes a task.  Eating should never become a task.

Because all the help is so polite, it’s fun to watch them struggle with stupid questions.  Stating, “That’s really dumb” is not an option.  For example, there is a launch that takes passengers from the Magic Kingdom to the Grand Floridian and then, on to the Polynesian Village.  We always stay at the Polynesian Village.  As the launch was pulling into the Grand Floridian, I asked the captain if the boat was going to take me to Fort Wilderness.  I could just see the captain mentally racing through his etiquette book.  Just saying, “Didn’t you read the signs before you got on the boat?” wasn’t acceptable.  Also, after having one of the concierges change a few reservations for us, she asked for our room number.  I told her we weren’t staying in the concierge building.  The look on her face was priceless.  Then, Carole gave her the room number.  The concierge later told me that she would have handled the matter politely because that was what was expected of her.

This is the first year that I can remember when I didn’t buy a Disney T-shirt, golf shirt or tie.  You can only wear so many and I never dispose of any of them.  Also, I received a Leadbetter pullover and cap (part of the goodie bag).  The “free” goodie bag comes with the not-so-free lessons.  I did buy an Uncle Sam stove pipe hat.  When I wore it I “stood taller.”  I was almost as tall as Tiger.  Andrew would have been proud of me.

Nutty Tom Mongan

Tom Mongan and I were both born and raised in East St. Louis, Illinois.  Even though we were the same age and in the same grade (and from the same neighborhood), we never met until we went off to college.  He went to Assumption High School and I went to East Side High.  Never the twain shall meet.

Anyway, both being from the same town and away from home, we became good friends.  By the second semester, we were sharing a dorm room.  Tom was the smart one.  In English composition class, he wrote a great paper on his/our home town.  For economy of effort, I used his paper in my English composition class.  He got an A and I got a C!  I went to my teacher, Miss Hodges, and told her I really wanted to do better and could she explain to me what was wrong with “my” paper.  I knew the paper deserved better that a C.  She never did explain to me what was wrong with the paper, but she decided that it was easier to give me a B, than to put up with my constant inquiries.

Nutty Tom and I only lasted one semester together.  We got caught spraying shaving soap down the hallway.  I came up with the conclusion that they couldn’t prove it was us.  We were going to stonewall.  Then, one of the monitors produced an envelope addressed to me covered with shaving soap.  I accused Nutty Tom of looking at my mail, but it didn’t work.  Our punishment was to be separated the next year into distant buildings.

The next year, I found myself living way South and a half-mile to the North was Nutty Tom.  Those who controlled the dorm assignments had kept their promise.  That first day, one of the assistant coaches called me in and told me I needed to be assigned to a room designated for athletes.  Guess who ended up being my next door neighbor?  Nutty.

We were both conscientious students.  We just had strange work habits.  We generally didn’t do any homework until after 11 o’clock at night.  Then, we would work until we got done (usually 1:30 to 2:00 AM).  Nutty’s roommate, Luke, would go to bed at a reasonable hour and sleep through our antics.  Some time after 1:00 AM, we would find everything we said was funny.  It was a riot.  We called it “giddy hour.”  One of our favorite games was feeding Luke.  We would slip over and put a cookie on his chest.  Luke would find it and eat it without ever waking up.  This was great sport.  The only time I remember Luke waking up was when some of our group (including Mike “the animal” Magac) misappropriated a cooked turkey from a frat house and we put a drumstick on Luke’s chest.

Just to let you know, Luke did not choke to death.  Lowell Lukas ended up with his Masters in Physical Education and became a very successful golf coach at Central Connecticut State University.  In fact, Luke was elected to the Golf Coaches Association of America’s Hall of Fame.  In his acceptance speech, neither Nutty nor I received any credit for nourishing him during his formative years.  Come to think of it, I guess he never knew.

One late night, when Nutty and I were cutting across campus, a campus security guard tried to stop us to see our IDs.  I just kept walking.  We had done nothing wrong and I was sure he had no authority.  I told Nutty Tom to keep walking, but he stopped.  He took out his wallet and showed the guard a one dollar bill and said, “I’m George Washington.”

Carole, my future wife, didn’t want me hanging around with Nutty Tom.  And, Gay, a sweet Suzie Stephens, who became Nutty’s wife didn’t want him hanging out with me.  That was because when anything went wrong, we were always together and each told our future bride that it was the other one’s idea.  Everyone called me PJ and I was smug in my knowledge that PJ didn’t sound as guilty as Nutty Tom.

Well, that was a long time ago and our wives now are willing to let us get together.  In fact, they join us.  Nutty Tom became a banker in Houston specializing in trusts, investments and financial services.  I guess his title at “Nutty Tom” had to disappear after he left school.

He has a website entitled Securityimpressions.com which is quite impressive.  If you want to know financially what is going on, what went wrong and what to do about it, check out Nutty Tom’s blog site.  There is nothing on the blog site which would make you think he was once known at “Nutty Tom,” or “Nutty” for short.

Ode to a Mench – Larry Henneberger

Larry Henneberger is a special person in my life.  We met in 1962 at Fort Knox, Kentucky, while attending the basic armor officers course.  We were both JAG lieutenants, but the JAG Corps wanted us to have some training in a combat branch.  We spent eight weeks at Fort Knox and 11 weeks in Charlottesville, Virginia at the JAG School.  In January 1963, he departed for Fort Story, Virginia and I headed for Fort Hood, Texas.  Thanks to Larry, we kept in contact through the years.

Larry spent three years in the Army and then joined Arent Fox.  Thirty years after our departure from C’Ville, he was instrumental in bringing me on board at the Fox.

So Larry has now retired from the Fox and tonight we will have a small retirement gathering for him at the Fahrenheit Restaurant in Georgetown.  I was not in favor of driving into the District on Inauguration weekend, but no one else seemed concerned enough to relocate.

The Fahrenheit is located in the Ritz Carlton of Georgetown.  I heard on TV that Tim McGraw and Faith Hill are staying there this weekend.  I’ve already decided what I am going to say if I see them.  I’ll say, “Hey Faith, Hey Tim, How’s it going?”  Pretty cool, huh?

Anyway, here is my tribute to Larry


Ode to a Mench

On April 13, 1938,
Another little Hoosier knocked on the gate.
Was the world really ready for this little guy?
You can hazard a guess, but don’t even try.

It was our little Larry, a fine little son,
The doctor was startled, he heard, “let’s go for a run.”
Already a fine athlete, skills not a sparsity,
Coaches took one look and put him on the varsity.

He was a college jock, but you won’t hear him brag,
A lawyer, a connoisseur and even a JAG.
And marathons, he ran marathons till it hurt,
He’s been there, done that, and got the T-shirt.

A key Arent Foxer and such a natty dresser,
A man for all seasons and yes – father confessor.
Advising on associations, antitrust till it smarts,
Blinker lights, hoses, other automotive parts.
Award from a client, he’s held on high,
For lifetime achievement, from TSEI.

A loving husband and father, a religious man,
Speaks ill of no one, and a Cardinal fan
He lives his life right up to the brim,
And wouldn’t it be great to be more like him?

Now it’s time to retire, step back from the race,
Avoid the DC hassle, enjoy a change of pace.
We gather together, our friendship you hold,
For when God made you, he broke the mold.

I Really, Really Hate Losing

I was some kid when I was growing up.  I had a lot of things figured out.  For example, in the 7th grade, I wrote a history paper explaining that when the Republicans were in power, we had depressions and financial crises.  When the Democrats were in power we would end up in a war.  I concluded by explaining that it was up to the American people to decide whether they wanted war or depression.  I was amazed by the fact that I was the first person to figure that out.  I was really annoyed when I got a C- on my paper.  So much for originality of thought!

Another thing I figured out was if you approached every game like it’s a “life or death struggle,” you lose less often.  And, I did lose less often.  I was a really bad loser and, come to think of it, a really bad winner.  Kids didn’t like me, but, hey, in a life or death struggle, where does friendship come in?

My Dad was an excellent checker player.  I wasn’t happy when he beat me, but I had removed checkers (with him) from a life or death struggle.  When I was ten, we went on a vacation in the Ozarks and I played checkers with my Uncle Bob.  I could tell from his moves that he was no match for me.  I jumped one of his checkers and the next thing I knew, he made a triple jump into my king row.  The checkers were made of Bakelite, an early plastic, and before I realized what I was doing, I crushed four of the checkers in my hand.  I wanted to play him again, but he refused to play with broken checkers.

Not much changed through high school.  I think I seemed like a normal kid until I got on an athletic field and then the adrenaline and the old philosophy took over.  When I reflect back, I’m surprised someone didn’t throw a net over me.  Then again, there was reinforcement for my philosophy.  We never lost a football game the entire time I was in high school.

Football is a sport that requires its players to be emotionally “up” for the game.  Senator John Culver, one of my partners at Arent Fox and a friend, was a star fullback at Harvard College.  He told me one day while we were on the topic, “Jack, it’s not the kind of sport where you get up in the morning and while putting on your socks, say to yourself, ‘Well, I guess I’ll go out there today and throw my body into people with the distinct possibility that either they or I will be injured.’ ”  I guess I never figured out how to get “up” for a game without being in a frenzy.

East St. Louis Senior High School played teams from as far away as Chicago and Indianapolis just to fill out our schedule.  In October, 1954, we traveled to Warren Central High School in Indianapolis.  I was the second string quarterback.  My parents went to the game.  They watched our game on Friday night and then drove up to Purdue to see my brother Bill play for the Missouri Tigers on Saturday.  We beat Warren Central 19-0 and I got to play in the 4th quarter.  I threw a long pass to one of our ends.  He was ten yards behind everyone and I hit him right in the hands.  He dropped the ball.  I went crazy.  I was storming on the field.  I was storming on the sideline.  How could he do that to me when I threw such a perfect pass?

On Sunday, my Dad sat me down and told me that Bill had not gotten into the game against Purdue.  But, he was much prouder of Bill than he was of me.  He read me the riot act regarding my antics on the field (and on the sideline).  And so the process began.  I began to realize that I had to be accountable for my actions.  At a minimum, that meant not showing up my team mates.

My rehab has never been completely successful.  But I do have an additional philosophy that I live by and recommend to you.  It is, “If what has you upset won’t be bothering you in three days, then it’s not worth getting upset over.”  If you break a plate – clean it up – move on.  Even if you have a fender bender – get over it.

This won’t come as a shock.  Even though I have been playing many sports for many years, I have never received a Sportsmanship award (never even been nominated).  But then, any committee who knew me, might think I would find the nomination insulting.

The Long Awaited Christmas Poem

I’m not sure how many Christmas poems I have written.  All the ones I have been able to find have been posted now on Ricequips.com.  This is number 20.  The first one I could find was 1989.

Anyway, I wish I would have taken a look at last years title before I titled this one.  Last year was entitled, “Christmas in Transition – 2007.”  This year, it is entitled, “Year of Transition – 2008.”  Now, there is a clear distinction between the two, but I am afraid it is too subtle for most of my friends.

To all who read this, I wish you a very Merry Christmas.

Year of Transition – 2008

The pace is easier, deadlines are few,
Jack’s fully retired, now there’s your clue.
Being home everyday makes an adjustment crunch,
Carole married him for love, but not for lunch.

January brought surgery on Carole’s bad knees,
Partial replacements on both if you please.
Carole suffered a plenty, but for Jack it was worse,
He slipped from a hot shot attorney to a practical nurse.
With the arthritis gone and physical therapy complete,
Carole buzzes around and doesn’t miss a beat.

RAJA in May, in Atlanta downtown,
Seeing dear friends, never a frown.
Saw the Coke Museum, saw Olympic Park,
Put a blog on Ricequips, it really was a lark.

We toured California, a long time “want to do,”
We started in Frisco, ended at San Diego’s Zoo.
From Golden Gate to Yosemite, Hearst Castle to Monterey pier,
Scary fog at Big Sur, but LA was bright and clear.

June was a disaster, we flooded the house,
A water hose busted, it’s no use to grouse.
Gone for three hours and the damage was done,
Hard wood and ceilings, you talk about fun.
But with our contractor Steve, and a month in jail,
The house came together, we survived the travail.

We count among our blessings, our Moms who bring us glee,
Blanche is ninety-one and Mary is ninety-three!
They won’t win any races, the years have taken their toll,
But their minds are really sharp, and the humor, yes, it’s droll.

The kids are all busy with their lives and stuff,
The problem we have is we don’t see them enough.
Paul and Sandy are close, just four hours away,
We get to see them come a holiday.
Missy helped Carole, at the first of the year,
Now Missy is hurting, a truck hit them in the rear.
She continues to work and deals with the pain,
With doctor’s support, they’ll remove the strain.

Becky and Eddie are now empty nest,
The boys are in college, giving their best.
Grant and Brandon in college, soon there’ll be more,
With Tyler and Josh, next year there’ll be four.
That means Kristin and Jack will soon get a boost,
They’ll be the only kids home and they’ll rule the roost.

Nikki’s a year and a half, she’s a precious creature,
She minds remarkably well, she listens to her teacher.
So we’re letting her sign off, she’s doing in right now,
Merry Christmas to everyone and a special bow-wow.

BOO! I saw you smile!